
Archive for May 29th, 2013

The Tsarnaev brothers remind me a great deal of the suicide bombers in the Middle East. Well, maybe that’s not quite true; after all, they didn’t strap symtex or dynamite to their chests, run out and cross the finish line and then blow themselves up. On the other hand, they were vicious, malicious, arrogant, impetuous and ignorant. I’m willing to bet that it was their impetuousness that began an entire series of jihadist efforts to terrorize America. The problem is that they didn’t see the big picture and started too soon.

The big picture consisted of a series of events that would culminate in the July 4th bombing at the Hatch Shell concert on the esplanade in Boston. The first part of the plan, as I see it, called for the railroad accident between Boston and New York. I have no idea how many commuters ride that train each day but you have to admit that it certainly did screw up commuter systems and with that, a certain amount of slowdown in what was going to be accomplished from an economics standpoint.

After closing rail service for a month – which one didn’t work out too well either, did it folks – the next step would be to destroy rail lines between Baltimore and the rest of the southern part of the East Coast. We’re going to have to wait to determine the effectiveness of that bit of sabotage.

Do I sound like a conspiracy theorist? The answer to that is an absolute, one hundred percent…yes! There are just too many of these ‘accidents’ taking place where and when they should not. The explosions aboard the barges in Alabama, a convenient bridge collapse on the Interstate 5 Bridge in Washington State, and who knows what other little plans are in the works. Granted, the bridge collapse can be explained by its age but who really knows. Did the truck hit it by accident or did something happen to the steering mechanism. Perhaps that one is too easy to explain, but at the rate things are happening in the US of A, I’m not going to discount anything.

“Next thing you know, you’ll be blaming the tornadoes!” Sadly, these things happen. Towns that happen to be in ‘tornado alley’ or along that route face danger during the changeover from winter to spring and on into summer. Hell, I doubt if the jihadists want to be anywhere near that region.

Every so often, the FBI or Homeland Security will release a report concerning how many plots were foiled during a given time. As a former low-level intelligence analyst, it always makes me wonder just how much isn’t being released; how much Americans are being kept – albeit for their own peace of mind – unaware of the entire number of plots that have been foiled. Transparency, what transparency? There is no such thing as transparency when it comes to the release of intelligence. It can give too much of an edge to those who would see America brought to its knees.

One of these days, someone will have to explain to me what makes America such a horrible nation that it must be destroyed. Is it the fact that we are rich in resources and share those resources with the rest of the world? Is it the fact that for some strange reason we are able to breed the likes of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, or Dean Kamen? Perhaps it’s the television shows we export that show such a distorted view of America where everyone lives “the dream.” Maybe those who would destroy us don’t see or don’t wish to see that we have our own share of poverty and homelessness. Perhaps they are blind to our crumbling infrastructure and a government that is in such a state of disrepair, that we are the laughing stock of the rest of the civilized world. That word is emboldened and italicized because it is the uncivilized who want to take us down. If we should fail as a nation, what do we become? Will we ever reach the depths of the Tsarnaevs of Chechnya, or the sand fleas training in Saudi Arabia and other countries? These are the countries that masquerade as our friends and allies while providing training grounds for those who for some blind reason wish to see America a dead country.

Tiny terrorist attacks will continue long after I’m nothing but gone. Will there ever be another terrorist attack the magnitude of September 11, 2001? Certainly there will be an attempt at one. Whether or not it will succeed will depend entirely on how good our domestic intelligence does its job and how well we are able to analyze the actual threat. We didn’t believe the intelligence the last time; one can only hope that we are wiser when the next shot is fired across our bow.

I’ve heard some people say, “Let’s close our borders to people from ‘those’ Middle Eastern countries.” That’s not a solution; it’s not even a quick fix. It’s exactly the type of aberrant behavior that our enemies would exploit to their advantage. What we don’t want are radical immigrants who wish to subjugate their rules for those that already exist in this country. Whether it’s attempting to institute Sharia law in Minnesota or establishing their own small ‘countries’ in Tennessee and Virginia, these things cannot be allowed. We may be “the land of the free,” but your ‘free’ stops right where mine begins, and if you don’t like that, go home; I was here first and I’m not going anywhere.

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